Academic Proofreading & Editing
We are highly experienced in the field of academic proofreading, offering a professional proofreading service for your journal article, dissertation, MBA, MSc, DPhil, Ph.D thesis, Open University TMA or any other type of academic paper at extremely competitive prices. Attention to detail is imperative, and if your deadline is looming ever closer, we can offer a quick turnaround, if required. Unlike many other proofreading companies, we do not charge you an exorbitant 'fast track' price just because you have a tight deadline to meet. The proofreading price you see on this website is the price you pay.
So, what do you get for your money?
We will proofread your work in order to check the usual elements of spelling, typography, grammar and punctuation. As well as this, we also offer a premium stylistic service, which is particularly handy for ESL clients. We are proud to have helped hundreds of academic clients over the years, including a number of prestigious European universities who rely on us for publications in peer-reviewed journals.
We are happy to work on Word, LaTeX or LyX file formats. Once you have chosen to use our service, email your thesis, dissertation, article or paper to us as an attachment file and we will make any alterations using Microsoft Word's 'track changes' function.
Once proofreading is completed, you will be provided with two copies of your text. The first copy will show all of the changes that have been made, clearly annotated so that you can check every detail, if necessary. The second version that we supply is the 'clean' version of your work with all of the corrections accepted.
Dyslexic academics and students
Please follow this link to your very own dyslexia proofreading page.
English as a second language (ESL) academics & students
Please follow this link to your very own ESL proofreading page.
Free sample proofreading
Please email us a sample of your text for a free, no obligation proofreading quote from our qualified proofreader.