Manuscript Proofreading & Editing
Our manuscript proofreading & editing service is geared towards authors and novelists who have come to the point where they need a fresh pair of eyes to go through the text with a fine-tooth comb.
If you are happy with the final draft and would like the manuscript proofread before printing, our standard proofreading service will be ideal.
However, should you require a little bit of inspiration, out stylistic editing service is probably more suitable. We will always give you a fair and honest critique of your work, fully understanding that you will have spent weeks, months or even years preparing your text and that it is 'your baby.' We will suggest ways in which we think improvements can be made, but it is your project and your decision as to how the final work looks on the page. You are the boss -- and we never forget that!
Stylistic nuts 'n' bolts
As well as standard proofreading, you also get all of the following benefits:
Internal consistency -- we will look at the tone, style and voice of your work and ensure that it complies with how you want to communicate your thoughts to your audience
Readability -- is the text balanced and constructed consistently and within context?
If you are an author, we will produce a detailed character and plot assessment and help you develop these, if necessary
Suggestions -- we will work closely with you to suggest ways in which you might improve your manuscript
In order for us to assess your editing needs and the cost, please send us a sample so that we can give you a free, no obligation estimate.